Friday, August 31, 2007

High School Nostalgism (Fuck it. I don't care if that's not a word.)

Someone asked me to describe what I was like during my high school years, compared to the way I am now. I couldn't come up with a good answer on the spot, despite my usual wittiness.

It's been a couple of days since then and I've had a think. I tried to look at it as objectively as I could. Here's what I came up with:

I think I spent most of high school walking the fine line between nerd and loser.

How is that different to how I am now? Well I think I'm still both of those things, but to a lesser degree. I exhibit tendencies more likened to a "geek" now, which is the nerd's more socially apt cousin, and I have a girlfriend, which immediately removes some notches from the "loser" tally. BUT, I play video games, invest copious amounts of time into science-fiction and hang around with a bunch of stoners. So it seems not a whole lot has changed.

I don't get bullied as much these days, which is a notable plus.

There was going to be more to this post but I think I'll leave it there and close with a question to you, dear reader. Now I know everybody likes to talk about themselves, especially on the Internet, so no excuses for not answering. Here goes:

Have you changed much since high school? Think objectively, as if you were someone else looking at you.

Place your comments at the door and kindly leave without making a fuss.


kranki said...

Back in highschool I was a bit more introverted than I am today. I still had a great ability to move fluidly between the different groups of kids but I chose to mainly hang out with the nerd types because the conversation were more interesting. I started writing seriously towards the end of high school and that gave me a tremendous amount of confidence and sense of pride in my abilities. As a result girlfriends started popping up with much more frequency. So I think that the end of highschool was my current personality emerging. I give a good deal of credit to my hawt creative writing teacher Mrs. Lusbader. Yes, that's her real name.

kranki said...

I totally disagree with what my first personality had to say. Some of the other personalities have had a meeting and are kicking the first personality out of the brain.